GEN 1:11

We are a collective of like minded individuals that believe plants and herbs where put upon this Earth for our healing and benefit. Cannabis aka hemp is a very robust plant and can grow almost anywhere. This herb can revolutionize the world with its potential for many uses from pharmaceutical to industrial. In a society of economic turmoil, it is a good source of job creation, on a national scale, that not only creates jobs for those that work with it but for those companies that support its infrastructure. The national deficit gets reduced by the collection of tax that it creates directly and indirectly, so the government wins too.



For thousands of years cannabis has been used worldwide until an ignoramus named Harry J. Anslinger came along that started the hatred towards cannabis and convinced the people to make it illegal.

In 1929 Anslinger was assigned as assistant commissioner in the United States Treasury Department’s Bureau of Prohibition where he killed and destroyed countless lives over a beverage. As far as cannabis was concerned, Anslinger claimed that cannabis was not a problem, did not harm people, and “there is no more absurd fallacy” than the idea it makes people violent, but his views shifted when the Department of Prohibition became obsolete because alcohol prohibition ceased. He needed something new to prohibit. In 1930, Anslinger was appointed by department Secretary Andrew W. Mellon, his wife’s uncle (no conflict of interest there, right?) to be the founding commissioner of the Treasury’s Federal Bureau of Narcotics. Under Anslinger cannabis was targeted by the Treasury as losses of revenue since it could not be taxed. Anslinger took it a step further by using American tax dollars to launch a nationwide derogatory media campaign declaring that cannabis causes temporary insanity. The deceitful advertisements featured young people smoking cannabis and then behaving recklessly, committing crimes, killing themselves and others, or dying from using cannabis. The fraudulent propaganda campaign was a success and he created the Uniform State Narcotic Drug Act of 1934. By the mid-1930s cannabis was regulated and criminalized as a drug in every state, that adopted his Uniform State Narcotic Drug Act.

Hemp was a very cheap substitute for the paper pulp that was used in the newspaper industry at that time. Andrew Mellon, Randolph Hearst, and the Du Pont family where opposed to hemp. Hearst felt that this was a threat to his extensive timber holdings. Mellon the Secretary of the Treasury (no conflict of interest there either, right?), the wealthiest man in the US, had invested heavily in the Du Pont family’s new synthetic fiber, nylon, a fiber that was competing with hemp. They looked to Anslinger and a few short years later he went after it nationally and created the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 to eliminate the hemp industry.

It has been an uphill battle to get back the herb that Harry J. Anslinger turned into a monster but with your help we can win this battle of corporate greed and the degenerates that help them like Anslinger from getting their way.


Be active in your community by getting involved in cannabis events that promote this herb and its many uses form medical to industrial, to just plain recreational. If we allow the prohibitioners of cannabis to have their way, they will completely eliminate this plant from society and if they could, the world. Purchase your cannabis from a reputable business like GoodnGreen instead of a back alley where you don’t know what your getting. With your help and donations, we hope the cannabis stigma will eventually fade into history so that future generations can sees the potential of this remarkable herb.

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